바람부는날에도 성형외과
여성탈모, 모발이식 그리고 미녹시딜
Consideration of Scar from Reductive Foreheadplasty
2024. 6. 2발표
Video session; Female hairline correction with FUSS
2024. 6. 1발표
저온 플라즈마 소독기, 수술방에서 MZ 되기
2023. 11. 19발표
Does Hair Transplant Surgery Really Need Trichophytic Sutures?
2023. 11. 12발표
Video (Panel Discussion) - Clinical pearls to achieve best results and happy patients :
2023. 5. 14발표
The Correlation between the Diameter of the FUE Punch Tip and the Scar
2022. 11. 13발표
Surgical Assistant Program, 동영상강의-이마축소
2022. 8. 11발표
Single hair preparation: FUE vs FUSS
2022. 8. 11저널
Hair Transplant Forum Int'l.
2022. 8. 11발표
International Aesthetic Joint Conference
Female hairline correction with hair implanter
Histological Analysis for the Cause of Kinky Hair after Hair Transplantation
2021. 12. 4발표
모발이식 수술 후 나타나는 꼬인 모발(kinky hair)의 원인에 대한 조직학적 분석
2021. 12. 4수상
Best Methodology CSI Presentation Award
2021. 10. 23발표
Histological Analysis for the Cause of Kinky Hair after Hair Transplantation
2021. 10. 21발표
FUE(모낭단위채취술)을 이용한 여성환자의 이마라인 교정
2021. 10. 10발표
Changing the Direction of Hair in Hairline Correction
2021. 7. 11발표
2021. 6. 2발표
Tips to Make Natural Hairline on Design and Implantation
2019. 5. 19발표
How to design a female hairline
2019. 4. 7발표
이상적인 헤어라인 디자인
2018. 3. 6발표
Femal hairline correction with FUE
2017. 11. 11발표
Female hairline correction
2017. 10. 15발표
Simultaneous Correction of Female Hairline Using Supraorbital Nerve Sparing Reduction Foreheadplasty with FUE Hair Transplantation
2017. 10. 6발표
Hairline Lowering with Reduction Foreheadplasty (Live surgery)
2017. 5. 20발표
Female hairline correction with hair transplantation and reduction foreheadplasty (simultaneously or separately)
2016. 11. 18발표
Reduction foreheadplasty sparing deep branch of supraorbital nerve; hair transplantation at the same time
2016. 10. 24발표
이마축소술과 모발이식 동시 시행의 득과 실
2016. 9. 19발표
Simultaneous hairline correction with reduction foreheadplasty and FUE hair transplantation
2016. 3. 13저널
Dermatol Surg.
2015. 9. 9발표
Surgical assistant program - 모낭분리와 저장 및 삽입과정
2015. 5. 10발표
Female hairline lowering with hair transplantation
2015. 3. 29발표
Reconstruction of shifted sideburns after face lift
2014. 11. 9발표
Various Cases of Secondary Female Hairline Corrections for Unsatisfied Results
2014. 10. 11발표
Journal Review - Are hair transplants permanent?
2014. 9. 29발표
Surgical Assistant Program - 모낭삽입과정
2014. 5. 11발표
Hair: Facial Contouring by Hair Transplantation Session - Solutions for complications
2014. 4. 26발표
2013 ISHRS Morbidity & Mortality Conference Review
2014. 1. 27저널
Hair Transplant Forum Int'l.
Using single follicles divided from multi-hair follicular unit for natural result in Asians
2013. 10. 23발표
환자와 의료인 모두의 안전을 위한 수술 전 감염검사
Preoperative laboratory testing for detecting infectious diseases
매력발산은 모(毛)에서부터
2013. 3발표
자연스러운 결과를 위해 2,3개 모발 FU를 단일모로 분리하여 이식한 사례들에 대한 고찰
Using single follicles divided from multi-hair FU for natural result
Comparison between the survival rate of original single follicular units and single follicles divided from two or three-hair units
모발이식을 시행한 후 발생한 부자연스러운 헤어라인을 제모레이저를 이용하여 교정하는 방법
Correction of unnatural hairline from hair transplantation surgery using a hair removal laser